Current position
Since September 2021, I am maître de conférence (lecturer/associate prof) at the Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard Monge (LIGM) in Gustave Eiffel University, at the east of Paris.
- (Since Sept 2024) Responsible of the team MMSID, part of the LIGM.
- (Since Jan 2022) In charge of the GT GéoAlgo, part of the GdR-IFM.
Scientific animation
From September 2020 to September 2021, I did a post-doc at DataShape (Inria Saclay) in collaboration with Fujitsu.
I got a Ph.D. in September 2020 in Mathematics and Computer Sciences, done at Inria Saclay (and École polytechnique) under the supervision of Steve Oudot and Marco Cuturi.
Before that, I got an engineering degree from the École polytechnique, and a MSc in Machine learning at the ENS Paris-Saclay (MVA).