Théo Lacombe

Maître de conférence, LIGM, Université Gustave Eiffel

Publications & Preprint

  1. M. Carrière, M. Theveneau, TL. Diffeomorphic interpolation for efficient persistence-based topological optimization. NeurIPS 2024.
  2. Y. Hiraoka, Y. Imoto, K. Meehan, TL, T. Yachimura Topological Node2vec: Enhanced Graph Embedding via Persistent Homology. Journal of Machine Learning Research.
  3. T. Dumont, TL, FX. Vialard On The Existence Of Monge Maps For The Gromov-Wasserstein Problem. Foundation of Computational Mathematics, 2024.
  4. F. Hensel, C. Arnal, M. Carrière, TL, H. Kurihara, Y. Ike, F. Chazal, MAGDiff: Covariate Data Set Shift Detection via Activation Graphs of Deep Neural Networks, TMLR.
  5. T. de Surrel, F. Hensel, M. Carrière, TL, M. Glisse, H. Kurihara, Y. Ike and F. Chazal. RipsNet: a general architecture for fast and robust estimation of the persistent homology of point clouds. ICLR, Topological, Algebraic and Geometric Learning workshop, 2022.
  6. TL. An Homogeneous Unbalanced Regularized Optimal Transport model with applications to Optimal Transport with Boundary, AISTATS 2023. Code.
  7. J.Leygonie, M.Carrière, TL, S.Oudot. A Gradient Sampling Algorithm for Stratified Maps with Applications to Topological Data Analysis, Mathematical Programming.
  8. V. Divol, TL. Estimation and Quantization of Expected Persistence Diagrams, ICML 2021.
  9. TL, Y. Ike, M. Carriere, F. Chazal, M. Glisse, Y. Umeda. Topological Uncertainty: Monitoring Trained Neural Networks Through Persistence of Activation Graphs, IJCAI 2021.
  10. M. Carriere, F. Chazal, Y. Ike, TL, M. Royer, Y. Umeda. PersLay: A Neural Network Layer for Persistence Diagrams and New Graph Topological Signatures, AISTATS 2020.
  11. V. Divol, TL. Understanding the Topology and the Geometry of the Space of Persistence via Optimal Partial Transport, Journal of Applied and Computational Topology.
  12. TL, M. Cuturi, S. Oudot. Large Scale Computation of Means and Cluster for Persistence Diagrams using Optimal Transport, NeurIPS 2018.


I contribute to the Python API of the GUDHI library, where I release tools to deal with persistence diagrams (PDs) using Optimal Transport based on algorithms developed by the OT community, adapted to PDs.


Ph.D. students



Reviewer activity in conferences and journals